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Posted by Nora Horasky
(3/01/2006) - OMG! I can’t believe it, OnlyTzaras let me down,
because it was nowhere near as funny as last year. May many
Tzaras fall upon the developers of OnlyTzaras for not making OnlyTzaras
funnier than last year. |
Developer (3/01/2006)
- That is not true. OnlyTzaras is great. Nothing could be better. I
have traveled the web looking for good humor and there is only
OnlyTzaras. You will like OnlyTzaras. You... will... like... OnlyTzaras.
Posted by Irate Reader
(3/02/2006) - Didn’t you guys waste enough time last year?! At
least then it was funny, but now you have clearly run out of material. |
Posted by Oogma of the Hairy People
(3/02/2006) - Me cannot get over this. Last year you made wonderful
Purim site which entertained all the children and womenfolk of the
village. This year only Ingamoo thought it a big ha hah ha. The
children were more interested, even, in moodle fuzz. |