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Posted by Mrs. Schwartz
(Purim 2005) - How can this be? My little Yitzi, dead, and on Purim. He was safe at Yeshiva, what could have happened?!?
Posted by
Shlomo "Shikker" Gold (Purim 2005) -
Ahh, Boruch Hashem! Yitzi died while fulfilling one of the biggesht
mitshvos de'oraisha. Now he MAMESH doesn't know the differensh
between... betweeen... between Haman and that other guy, that other...
Mordechai, yeah! That's it. Boruch Hashhhem!
Posted by
Yeshaya Amozi
(730 BCE) - Ah, those who are so mighty to drink wine, and so valiant as mixers of
drink... Just as straw is consumed by fire, their roots will rot and blow away like dust.
Posted by
Mordechai Feldman (Shushan Purim 2005) - Who do you think you are, Amozi? Some sort of navi, telling us things
like that?! You should be ashamed. It is wondeful that so many of our
youngest bachurim take their mitzvos so seriously. It's obvious from
poskim that getting smashed on Purim is one of the biggest mitzvos out
there. It's true that some people may overdo it a bit, like poor Yitzi,
but hey - most of the guys live till the next year, right? Some of them
are even able to make it to shacharis on Shushan Purim!
Rabbi Zeira (Shushan Purim 350 CE) - Miracles don't happen every day...