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Sir Moshe of Camelot
(4/03/2005) - Congratulations Sir Dovid at winning the hande of the
fayre ladye Chava. I knoweth you two will be happye togethereth. May ye
buildeth a bayeth nemaan biYisroeleth. |

Posted by Sir Avraham of Camelot
(4/03/2005) - Sir Dovid, you dogeth, the fair hand of the Lady Chava
dost not belongest to thee. Chava, I wouldst have givest thou 23 sheepe
and a bullock if only thou wouldst find favor in me. It’s
not too late to changest thy mind. Sir Dovid, I have thownest
down the gauntlet. Girdeth your armor and prepareth for honorable
combateth. |

Posted by Chaim Feldman (4/04/2005)
- Mazal Tov Dovid It’s about time. Chava, Mazal Tov on your
engagement to Dovid!! We are so happy for you!! May you have much
happiness together!! Just be careful. Sometimes Dovid talks a little
bit strange. There was this one time when he was babbling on for 2 no 3
hours and no one could understand what he was saying. I mean no body -
he kept going on with eth this and thateth. It didn’t make a word
of sense. But he’s still a great guy. May you build a bayis
nemaan biYisroel. |

Posted by Lady Chava
(4/04/2005) - Chaim, art thou from yonder foreign land. Dost thou not
knowest the King’s Englisheth. For I canst not understandeth a
wordeth thou utters out of thy moutheth. |