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Posted by Yosef Stegosaurusky(3/03/3145)
- Ha! Gotcha, you annoying little monkey type creature! I wish more of
you things stuck to the gathering, and left the hunting to the
Posted by
Wilma Flintstone(3/03/3145)
What will Thag's parents, Ug and Chava do now? Their son showed so much
promise as a hunter. How will our shtetl get food to eat? The berries
are almost gone!
Posted by
Urgh "I invented the wheel" Goldberg
(3/04/3145) -I think we should name that part of the Stegosaurusky the Thagomizer, after the late Thag Shimmons, tza"l.
Posted by
Gershon Larson
(3/05/3145)- Urgh is right! Let Thag's memory be a warning to our young
children about the dangers of trying to make a parnassah instead of
sitting at home learning. If, challilah, our children tell us they want
to get a parnassah, or, rachmana litzlan, go to college and learn to
make fire, all we need to say now is: "You want to get hit by a
Thagomizer? |