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Death of Old Man of the Mountain (Franconia Notch, NH)
May 3, 2003
He is survived by a Large Rock in Miami and a Granite Boulder in Vermont
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Site of Fall & Sphinx's Nose Job

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Sign the guestbook Obituary Posted (5/3/2003)- The Old Man of the Mountain was forged by geological shifts and raised to 3,200 feet above sea level 25,000 years ago. He was made of five separate granite ledges, 45 feet tall and 25 feet wide.

Sign the guestbookPosted by Shmuel Ziegellman (5/3/2003)- What Apikorsus! "25,000 years ago." The world is only 5763 years old, kenina hara. Also the Old Man was clearly smote by the Abesh'te because it was no less than avodah zarra!!!

Sign the guestbookPosted by The Chevra Kedesha (5/3/2003)- We don't understand, when we came to the site of his death he was already fully buried! There were even some rocks already put on top of his grave. May he rest in pieces.
Sign the guestbookPosted by Flenn Fosberg
(5/3/2003)- I was so surprised to hear the tragic news my jaw dropped. What will New Hampshire do now? The Old Man is on all the license plates, all the road signs and their State Quarter- there's nothing else in the whole state! Perhaps they're just re-name him The Dead Man of the Mountain.
Sign the guestbookPosted by The Nielson Family (The Old Man's Nursing Staff)
(5/3/2003)- We were so sad to hear of the demise of the Old Man Z''l. He was such a Tzaadik, he never hurt a fly, never lost his temper, was always Shomer Shabbis, spoke no Lashon Hara either ate Pas/Chalav Yisroel or nothing at all. Towards the end, he even signed up to donate his Organs. I feel honored to have known such a wonderful piece of granite.
Sign the guestbookPosted by The Sphinx (Egypt)
(5/3/2003)- Hey i wanted to thank you so much for donating your nose to me, i absolutely LOVE IT! i haven't smelled a @&$# thing since the *&#%* Crusades.

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