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Posted by Shoshana "I Love Halivni" Scarfandpants
(6/26/2005)- OMG! Hananiel choked while while trying to pronounce his disseration
title. I suppose that means he wasn't really cut out for academic
Jewish studies.
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By Dr Elayaqim Mafoizaqad, Professor Emeritus of Diqduq Studies (6/27/2005)-
So, pronouncing Eizeqiyele, Qoheleth and Qiha Qiha
proved to be too much for you. You never were much of an academic.
you couldnt even draw those dots under a Z or S to make the proper Zadi
or Sin sound.... Oh no! I cant figure out the font!!!
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Poster By Baruch "Hashem" Goldberg
(9/28/2004)- Wha? Huh? Dikduk? What's that? Shouldnt
we transliterate things following the ArtScroll system? This is too
hard for me, im staying in yeshiva. |